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Whisky Museum Argentina

The largest Whisky Museum of Argentina, not only the largest in the local area, also the largest on the continent and offering the best brands and more than 600 labels of whiskey.

Guided tours Teatro Colon

Browse the Teatro Colon and feel its mystic and magic at every turn, is an extraordinary event Still not visited?

Collection of musical instruments

The collection of musical instruments from the Museum of Latin American Art Isaac Fernández Blanco brings together a number of pieces of great artistic and historical value. The group has bowed string instruments, plucked string, wind and keyboard.

Courses and workshops at the Museum Luis Perlotti

The Museum of Sculptures Luis Perlotti's mission is to preserve, disseminate and promote the production and reception of Argentina sculpture in general and the artist Luis Perlotti in particular.

Guided tours to the Sivori Museum

The Museum of Fine Arts Eduardo Sivori invites you to its guided tours. General admission $ 10. Wednesdays and Saturdays free.

Permanent exhibition | Room combs

New room you focus on the collection of combs, accompanied by watercolors and prints by Bacle Pellegrini and Vidal, all from donating Garaño Celina Gonzalez is the first major benefactor woman Art Museum.

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Whisky Museum Argentina

The largest Whisky Museum of Argentina, not only the largest in the local area, also the largest on the continent and offering the best brands and more than 600 labels of whiskey.

Guided tours Teatro Colon

Browse the Teatro Colon and feel its mystic and magic at every turn, is an extraordinary event Still not visited?

Collection of musical instruments

The collection of musical instruments from the Museum of Latin American Art Isaac Fernández Blanco brings together a number of pieces of great artistic and historical value. The group has bowed string instruments, plucked string, wind and keyboard.

Courses and workshops at the Museum Luis Perlotti

The Museum of Sculptures Luis Perlotti's mission is to preserve, disseminate and promote the production and reception of Argentina sculpture in general and the artist Luis Perlotti in particular.

Guided tours to the Sivori Museum

The Museum of Fine Arts Eduardo Sivori invites you to its guided tours. General admission $ 10. Wednesdays and Saturdays free.

Permanent exhibition | Room combs

New room you focus on the collection of combs, accompanied by watercolors and prints by Bacle Pellegrini and Vidal, all from donating Garaño Celina Gonzalez is the first major benefactor woman Art Museum.

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Museo del Whisky Argentino

El mayor museo de Whisky en el continente y el segundo mas grande en el mundo, presentando mas de 1500 etiquetas de Whisky.

Teatro Colón

Examine el Teatro Colón y sentir su mística y la magia a cada paso, es un evento extraordinario Aún no visitados?

Cursos y talleres en el Museo Luis Perlotti

El Museo de Esculturas Luis Perlotti tiene como misión preservar, difundir y promover la producción y recepción de la escultura argentina en general y del artista Luis Perlotti en particular. 


Colección de instrumentos musicales

La colección de instrumentos musicales del Museo de Arte Hispanoamericano Isaac Fernández Blanco reúne un importante número de piezas de enorme valor artístico e histórico. El grupo cuenta con instrumentos de cuerda frotada, cuerda punteada, viento y teclado.


Visitas guiadas al Museo Sívori

En la plaza Juan Facundo Quiroga, frente al Rosedal, el Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori ofrece al público una colección de más de 3000 obras de arte del ámbito nacional.

Exposición permanente|Sala de peinetones

Nueva sala en la que se hace foco sobre la colección de de peinetones, acompañada por acuarelas de Pellegrini y grabados de Bacle y Vidal, todos procedentes de la donación de Celina González Garaño, la primera gran benefactora mujer del Museo de Arte Hispanoamericano Isaac Fernández Blanco.

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